Level 3 CCPLD: Practice - New additional optional units and updated content and guidance now available

We are pleased to confirm that a range of new additional units have been added to the Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice Optional Group B and C.

The new units have been developed following extensive consultation with the sector and in collaboration with Social Care Wales and Health Education and Improvement Wales. They have been endorsed as appropriate by the Qualification and Standards Committee and approved for use within the qualification by Qualifications Wales.

The new units are listed below:

Optional Group B:

  • 334: Promoting children’s understanding of sustainability in the early years
  • 336: Promoting the use of digital technology with children in the early years
  • 338: Promoting use of outdoor environments for growth, learning and development in the early years
  • 339: Promoting support for children to develop behaviours that value themselves
  • 337: Trauma informed practice with children and others

Optional Group C:

  • 333: Study Skills
  • 335: Developing practice leadership skills in an early years and childcare setting

We have also added additional delivery guidance for the following units:

  • 300: Promoting core practice in children’s care, play, learning and development
  • 306: Promoting work with 3-7 year olds
  • 309: Promoting and supporting speech, language and communication skills
  • 311: Supporting children with additional needs

We have made minor amendments and content changes to:

  • 309: Promoting and supporting speech, language and communication skills
  • 311: Supporting children with additional needs
  • 326: Introduction to home-based childcare
  • 327: Preparing for childminding practice

All the changes that have been made are listed in the version control table at the front of the relevant qualification documentation.

View qualification handbook

All of the new units should be assessed via the pre-set tasks and are available to all learners who are actively completing the Practice qualification.

Before supporting learners to complete any of these additional units, approved customers must first ensure that assessors are occupationally competent and able to assess them in line with the demands of the structured tasks and that this has been confirmed by their External Quality Assurer (EQA).

A plan to develop assessor confidence and to support effective and timely standardisation should also be presented to the EQA at the earliest opportunity.

You must ensure that your learners and delivery teams have access to the most up-to-date version of the qualification documents and materials.  These are available on the Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice (8041-15) qualification page.

WJEC Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development Practice and Theory

Please contact WJEC for confirmation about when the new units will become available within the structure of the Practice and Theory qualification

In-the-moment planning

In response to concerns raised by approved providers regarding in-the-moment planning, we have worked with Social Care Wales, the Care Inspectorate Wales and Flying Start to produce some additional guidance.  This guidance is located on page 14 of the Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice (8041-15)  Assessment Pack and confirms how in-the-moment planning will be incorporated into the assessment process.

Authentication of evidence

Artificial intelligence tools such as Chat GPT are not permitted for the development of portfolio evidence.  Please ensure that you are up-to-date with our revised guidance on page 18 of the Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice (8041-15)  Assessment Pack