Important update: Amendments to Practice qualifications
There are some changes that have been made that we would like to make you aware of to the following assessment delivery guides (v2-0) and qualification handbooks for the qualifications listed below.
Assessment delivery guide changes:
- Level 2 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice
- Level 2 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice and Theory
- Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice
- Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice and Theory
- Level 2 Health and Social Care Practice: Adults
- Level 3 Health and Social Care Practice: Adults
- Level 3 Health and Social Care Practice: Children and Young People
Qualification handbook changes:
- Level 2 Health and Social Care Practice: Adults (v2-0)
- Level 3 Health and Social Care Practice: Adults (v2-0)
- Level 3 Health and Social Care Practice: Children and Young People (v3-0)
Level 2/3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice and Health and Social Care Practice
Confirming learners’ readiness for assessment: Due to the ongoing challenges faced by the sector during this time, we have taken the decision to revise the process assessors must follow when determining learners’ readiness for assessment.
These changes are outlined in Section 3 of the Assessment Delivery guides
Health and Social Care Practice only
Following extensive consultation with the sector, in collaboration with Social Care Wales and Health Education and Improvement Wales and with endorsement from the Qualification and Standards Committee, we are pleased to confirm that a range of additional units have been added to the Optional Group A in the following qualifications:
- Level 2 Health and Social Care Practice: Adults
- Level 3 Health and Social Care Practice: Adults
- Level 3 Health and Social Care Practice: Children and Young People
Before supporting learners to complete any of the additional units, approved providers must first ensure that assessors are occupationally competent and available to assess them and that this has been confirmed by their EQA.
All of the new units should be assessed via the pre-set tasks.
All the changes are listed in the version control table at the front of the qualification handbook, associated assessment packs and/or assessment delivery guides. These are available for download from the HCLW website.
Approved providers must ensure that their learners and delivery teams have access to the most up-to-date version of the qualification documents and materials.